Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Hebrews 12

I really love this passage of scripture because it has a family connotation to it. It shows how He is our Father in heaven and He will disciple us like we are His sons. But this passage is signifigant to me because the only mentor I ever had about 4 years back made me memorize vs. 1-3. At the time it did nothing but looking back I am able to still quote this verse with ease and I thank the love and care the Rob Sheppard had by taking me under his wing. God Bless you.
But I started to read this and began to think. There is a loving, and encouraging message here.
First in vs. 1 it desribes a race that we run. That race is life. Whats interesting is that it describes sin from our vantage point-( it hinders and easily entangles us) With this in mind GOd tells us to run with perserverance the race marked out for us. God has laid the groundwork for you and I. He has a race marked out for every single one of us, whether you run it is the question. You cant run a race your not a part of? SO how do you become a part of it well accept Jesus Christ into your heart. Sounds complicated. No its not its much simpler than you think, the only thing it may hurt is your pride. Some of you are just walking the race, wavering in and out of the lanes. You accepted Jesus but your in and out. Kinda like dipping your toe into the pool to see how good it is for you, but never really committing to jumping in. Then there are the runners, where you have been knocked down but not out. You have endured sin, the miry dirt, the hardships, problems, stresses of this world. Jesus says keep on running with perseverance.
Vs. 2 tells us the most important part of this race, to fix your eyes on Jesus. Why? Because he is the "author and perfector of our faith". In the Gospels there is a story of Jesus walking on water. The disciples go a head of Jesus and they see Him walking on the water towards there boat. They freak out, He tells them to calm down and Peter calls out to Him. "Lord if it is you call me out there to you". Jesus says: "Come!" So Peter steps out walking water with Jesus, and he is excited walking focused on Him, but then he looks around. He sees the waves, and the wind blowing around him, and he begins to lose focus and falls into the water. HE cries out to Jesus to save him and Jesus grabs his hand pulling him out of the water.
During the race of life we must "fix our eyes on Jesus" to keep focused of why we even run the race. There will and are many things in life that will try to take your focus off Him. Health, friends, school, material possessions, work, personal gain, money, relationships and many other things. These things can take the focus off Him, and lead us into the sinking water. He is our author, and perfector of faith.
Vs. 3-4-He tells us that He knows what oppossition is---He endured the most from men. And when you struggle think to yourself have you not resisted to the point of shedding your own blood??? You and I have it easy. We are in a day and age where we dont have to give our lives for the cross in the USA. There is no sin that you have encountered where you have shed blood for it? Have you? Then respond to this thread! The disciples were jailed, beaten, punished, killed( murdered) for the Gospel. James,Paul and John the Baptist were all beheaded, the church historian Clement detailed Peters death as him being nailed upside down not feeling worthy to be murdered the same way our Lord was. Andrew was crucified, John died in a prison filled with rapists and murderers. SO remember in your struggle that there have been men and women that have shed there blood for this Gospel and that the struggle you endured may be tough but you havent resisted to a point of shedding blood.

May the only way to Heaven Jesus Christ give you strength and mercy.
In Him,
Psalm 32:8


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