Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Intelligent Design or Evolution

Interesting debate going on in our schools over whether ID should be taught in science classes around the nation. Should ID be taught in science classes? The arguement is that evolution is a theory and merely a theory not fact. A theory by definiton is a set of statements that have been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted. That is all evolutoion is a theory. It doesn't give us a definite answer to the creation of the world, how we developed, but they have theories thats it. Now people are saying that the Christians are just pushing to get God into the classroom. From some Christians yes, but shockingly this debate didnt arise from Christians but from scientist and Christians jumped obviously onto the bandwagon. All these scientist want is for the classroom to be open to another possible theory. They are not advocating a theology lesson about the Trinity nor are they trying to talk about Jesus and the NT, or OT. They simply want science to acknowledge that there are alot of things that could not have taken place without some sort of Intelligent Designer. Stating that "this is simply just another theory, a possibility that has just as much credible evidence."
When you shred away the right wing Christians and the left wing people and see things for what they are you get a better idea of what is being debated. I personally think that ID should be taught, and that there is no harm investigating another theory and teaching it in a science class. Its not like that is going to be taught about all semester but just be added to the curriculum when the topic of evolution is taught. Are kids going to not want to be doctors, lawyers, presidents because they hear that there could possibly be another theory of the creation of life??? Of course not. Will there view of science be messed up, of course not. This is not a theology class, it is a simple discussion of a theory just like that of evolution and teaching kids to keep there minds open. Some have suggested teaching ID in another class. I disagree cause then yes you would be bringing a religion class or a seperate class from the others. This is not what these people are looking for, but many right wing Christians have screwed this vision with there big mouths (ie Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell)

So with that said should ID be taught in public school science classes?? Should they create another class for that, not have it taught at all? What?


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