Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Can we please get over it?

I am an Evangelical Christian:

Meaning that I believe the following:

1. Being a Christian by salvation through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ based on believing that He died or was an atonement for my sins on the cross. ( Romans 10:9) sola fide

2. Believing in the sole authority and inerrancy of the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20)

3. Living my life for Christ through regeneration, and in a spiritually transformed personal life.

This doesn’t mean that I am Jerry Fallwell, nor does it mean that I am Pat Robertson or James Dobson. It doesn’t mean that I hate gay people, or that I am automatically a Republican. No one speaks for me but God and His Word. I am sorry if some have tarnished the balance of love and justice, but I have a heart, and it abides in Christ so don’t get caught up in a label, or a name. Look at the heart. It is the most central organ in the Bible, and good and bad things can come out of it, but it is where we see the truest of motivations.
But wait the label of Evangelical is oh man the definition of what it means to be a Christian. So really I am not an evangelical at all, I am a Christ-Follower.

I dont care you denomination, nor your background. I am a CHrist-Follower! I follow Christ, and His Word for my life and in everything I do.

Look at my heart, not a label. I am a Christ-Follower!


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