Sunday, April 16, 2006

Running like you wanna WIN!

Its been awhile since I have last posted something, this has been in due to lack of internet for my computer. I hope to write to this blog again soon as school is winding down.I wanted to write to let you all know this ( I say all like a bunch of poeple read this thing) but also to encourage you as well. Hopefully to teach, encourage, and learn from it.

Todays verse is from 1 Corinthians 9:24:

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize."

-First to understand this verse we must understand the recipients of the letter the Corinthians. Why does Paul talk of running and racing and sports? Because the Corinthians were familiar with foot races in the Isthmian games which occured every other year and came 2nd to the Olympics. So Paul was relating to the exciting extra-curricular activities they participated in.

2.-This verse isnt describing the fact that we should trample others to obtain the prize.In fact, our lives as Christians, as people are a race. This is resurgent in the book of Hebrews 12:1-2. We are running a race, this race called the Christian life.

For example:
~Imagine the Boston Marathon, where thousands of people run this race every year.Thousands enter, thousands run, but only one wins the prize, only one comes in first.Pauls call here is for those of you running the race, run as if you were running to win! Pauls call is not a physical call, but more a mental, spiritual call. I have run several times before, and even competitively. There are times where I ran to simply finish, just to get to the end of the race no matter what place I got. Other times, I ran with the attitude and mindset of winning that race. I pushed harder, I ran faster, i focused on keeping myself at the highest level. I ran as if I was winning.

**Imagine trying to compete in something with the mindset of losing! Go into a basketball game and give 5%. Not only does you not having the right attitude affect you but others.Someone with a negative attitude can bring other people down, and make a room turn sour.Paul says not to run like someone who runs aimlessly, but run as if you are going to win!

3. Win what? What prize?Like the prizes that the Corinthians and even Olympians, which were perishable wreaths that symbolized the winner from everyone else, so we gain a crown. The difference is that our crown is a crown of life= eternal life with Jesus Christ. We run the race of life, no matter how long, or how hard it may be so that we may get to the finish line to meet our Lord waiting for us to take us home for our prize!

1.--Live (run) the Christian life as if you were running to win!
2.--Running in a way not to win can not only affect you but those around you!
3.--What is our prize. Eternity with our Lord Jesus Christ, the crown of Life!
Be Blessed!


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