Friday, January 06, 2006

Proverbs 1:20-33

This passage really struck hard because it gives the best description of non-believers lives (people who have not accepted Jesus for who he was and what He did) and what God will do in those final times.

Now before I start I want to be very clear. This isnt a bashing of people who dont believe in Christ, its simply the truth of what will happen to people who dont believe in Christ and its too late. I want to tell anyone who reads this that there is still time and to accept Jesus is not complex, and doesnt require anything but a pure heart. No down payments, no fancy places to do it, no choirs, just you talking to God, and admitting what you have done in life, and that you want Him to take control and you believe that what He did for you saves you. There is still time.....but when you reject Him, and time runs out, this is a description of what happens:

I am going to start at the height of all that is going on. God is refered here at Wisdom which in Proverbs is common. Wisdom is calling out to the scorners, the foolish and the mockers to change their ways and listen to the advice and or rebuke that He offers.

Vs. 24-25- these verses have some key words that will lead into the consquences for these people. First in vs, 24, He says that He has been rejected when he called out them. Notice that God has called out to these people, to not only help them, but give them advice. Yet they still rejected and did not pay attention.

vs. 25- they ignored all His advice and would not accept His rebuke.
These all are reiterated in Revelations 3:20 ( So be earnest, and repent. 20Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.)
Jesus will knock on every heart in the whole universe, some will accept the knock and open it, some will reject it and keep it closed, and some will simply ignore it.

Now vs. 26-32 describe what God is going to do to those who reject His knock:

vs. 26 He will laugh at their disaster, mock their calamity

-Now dont get the word laugh as God simply laughing at their plights. This laugh by most scholars has been considered figurative. More accept the fact that God laughs at the fact that you would reject an Awesome, Ominprescent, Omnipotent God when you are a small little gnat. This is the kinda of laughter being presented. Whats also apparent is the mock of calamity because the mockers were too busy mocking others and now there sin is being used on them. (what goes around comes around phrase)

vs. 27 more descriptions of how due to the rejection of Wisdom the consquences they will endure.

vs. 28-29- This is my favorite verse in this chapter not because it makes me all happy inside. Let me put it on here: ("Then they will call to me but I will not answer; they will look for me but will not find me. )
This verse interests me so much because in
Jeremiah 29:13-" You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. )

Some would think there is a conflict here, but you have to remember that these people rejected, ignored, and did not accept Wisdoms offers of calling, giving advice, and later His rebuke. The tables are turn, God will not answer and not find Him because they have done those things mentioned earlier. Which brings up the point that God doesnt make rules so we dont have fun or no life, but infact so that we have great and wonderful life. The best description is written by D.G. Barhouse:
"God has given commandments and principles that are for our good; God never gives us a commandment because He is arbitary or because He doesnt want us to have fun. God says: Thou shalt not have any gods before me." not because He is jealous of Hos own position and perogitives but because He knows that if we put anything, anything before Him it will hurt us."

Vs. 29- shows they hated knowledge (wisdom) and that they chose to NOT fear the LORD!
Once again God loves us so much that He doesnt control us like robots, doesnt force us to love Him, but the Creator of the Universe, the Maker of you and I still gives us the choice to choose Him.

vs. 30- since they didnt choose wisely and not accept His advice...they will be filled with their destructive ways
Vs. 31-they will eat the fruit of their ways

Vs. 32-for the waywardness of the simple will kill them, the foolish will be destroyed because of their complacency (meaning the false sense of security which they think they have eternal life or if they ask for it at last minute like in vs. 28 they will recieve it)

Vs. 33 Brings comfort to the believer, the one who listens to Wisdoms advice, rebuke and calling "whoever listens to me will live in safety, and be at ease without fear of harm"
Self explanatory they will be exempt from the descruction that lies the others. Not fair, well the others had the free choice just as the ones who believed had free choice.

The Point:
Everyone has the free choice to choose his or her own choices but are not free to choose theg consequences of those choices. Not accepting Jesus is choice, but the consequences of that choice is not so much fun, just take a look at Proverbs 1:26-32, and some parts of Revelations or better yet imagine a place with no God, no hope, no love, just death, destruction, decay, sulfur, fire and pain. Thats just the truth, not a scare tactic.

If you want to make another choice is simple:

Paul said that if you confess (meaning to disclose or admit) on your lips that Jesus is Lord, and believe(accept as true or real) in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED! (Romans 10:9) If you feel led to do this now, then do it. In your living room, bedroom, it doesnt matter God sees all, hears all and its not too late. He is waiting......for your choice!
Bless you!


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