Sunday, December 18, 2005

Hebrews 13

Ahhh, my most favorite parts of the Bible are when they give us exhortations. As I venture through Hebrews I have found that this book is more interesting that when I read it 3 years ago. It is entirely Jewish and was directed to newly converted Jewish people. I have always held and still hold now that it is a comparison book, and shows from side to side the differences in Judaism and Christianity. All through out the book it shows what we used to do in the OT or old convenant. Now that it is useless, but we have a more perfected way of doing things and therefore dont need to do the old ways anymore. If you ever get a chance and want to know alot of the changes from the OT to the NT then read Hebrews.

Now for the chapter at hand...Hebrews 13. Exhortations are thrown all over this chapter. God is giving us certain things to look for and to "DO". I think people forget sometimes that we need to read the Word of God, but the only way it is affective is DOING what it says. Reminds me of James 1:22 'Do not merely listen to the Word and so decieve yourselves but DO what it says." Well we are given 11 things to do in this chapter so here we go:

1. We are to keep loving each other, as brothers (vs. 1)
-This is the call to continue in love with everyone we come into contact with. ANd what is unique its not loving someone like they are foriegn but loving them as if they were a part of your flesh and blood family. This exhortation is very important as we are called to do everything in love and no matter what is going on, what happens we are required to display it at all times.

2. Entertain strangers.(vs. 2)

-This may sound odd but this entertainment of strangers goes back to the OT account of what happened to Abraham, and Gideon. (Gen. 18)With Abraham it was when he was sitting at his tent on a hot day. He saw 3 men standing near him, Abraham catered to them, bring them food, and water, and washed there feet. He spoke calling himself a servant and had great humility. He didnt realize these men were angels sent by the LORD.
(Jud. 6)-Gideon was working the wheat when he was approached by a man. They had a discussion about the horrible conditions and things going on during that time. Gideon went and did everything this man commanded, and prepared a goat, flour, and meat and offered to this man to eat along his journey. His kindness was recognized and the angel revealed himself to be an angel of the LORD, and Gideon simply rejoiced. (vs.22)

All in all, this verse to me says treat strangers kindly because you never know when you may come across someone the Lord has placed into your lives for a specific reason. Abraham and Gideon werent being nice to these people because they were angels, infact they didnt know they were angels until the angels revealed themselves to be just that. It was there wholehearted kindness (without an adgenda) that entertained the angels. Be on guard and always know that God is watching.

3. We are commanded to remember those who have been imprisoned, mistreated, or suffering.
-This means for our fellow brothers and sisters in other countries who are imprisoned, beaten, not fed, mistreated and even killed for the Gospel of Christ. We recognized this because it calls them our fellow prisoners, and how they are suffering as we have. Paul is writing this to people who have endured suffering, mistreatment, and possibly jail time. This verse is meant as a call to perserverance. The Hebrews writer mentioned this same thing in great detail in Hebrews 10:32-34.

4. The marriage bed kept pure. (vs. 4)

-Yes now the writer moves onto a topic that the apostle Paul has talked about plenty in about every single book that was written by him--sexual immorality. It says that the marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure. The marriage bed (sexual relations between the hisband and wife) should be kept pure( meaning that both partners will honor the marriage by not sleeping around) Adultry is the matter addressed here, and it goes on to tell us that God will judge the adulterers and the sexually immoral. This is repeated over and over...

Sexually immoral will not inherit the Kingdom of God--1 Corinthians 6:9
" Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders"

We should abstain from it--Acts 15:20
Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality

The body is not meant for it--1Corinthians 6:13
" The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body

There shouldnt even be a hint--Ephesians 5:3
" But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality,"

They will burn along with unbelievers in the 2nd death--Revelations 21:8
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."

5. Keep your lives free from the love money..(Vs. 5)

-God has told us throughout the Bible that our love is not to be of matierial things but of the things above. 1 Tim. 6:5-10 describes that we came into this world with nothing and we can take nothing with us. For "godliness with contentment is great gain"

6. Remember your leaders...(vs. 7)
-remember the people who led the church, lived the Gospel out, so therefore imitate their faith, their strength that was displayed through Christ.

7. Dont be carried by other strange and false teachings...(vs. 9)

-We are warned to stay away from strange teachings. In this specific case it is in regards to ceremonial foods and washings (legalistic Judaism) which is now gone since it was all taken care of on the cross there is no point in reviving it.

8. Let us continually offer to God...praise(vs. 9)
- we are called to give God his due praise. A sacrifice as an offering to give God praise which he deserves in every which way.

9. Share with others...(vs. 16)
-Since we have this praise for God, and the confession of Christ....share it with others. Did you know you were called to share? Yes Paul reinforces it in Philemon 1:6 "I pray that you be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of the good things in Christ Jesus."

10. Obey your leaders and submit to their authority...(vs. 17)
-Here is the call to obey and submit regardless of who is president, Bush, Kerry, the government. Now this isnt a call to take persecution, or an oppressive government thats goal is to harm, hurt and destroy its people. But this echos Romans 13 where we are called to submit to the governing authorities...(Romans 13:1-6)

11. Lastly but most importantly....pray for us (vs. 18)
-we are called to pray for all fo God's people. Here the writer desires to live honorably in every way and asks for prayer that he may be restored. Prayer is an integral part of our lives and communion with God. This importance of prayer is labeled in James 5:13-15, that if we are troubled, sick then pray, if we are happy, pray. The importance is furthered by the example of Elijah in James 5.

These are what we are called to DO!! These are exhortations, not sayings. So therefore and let us begin to do these things, not out of obligation but out of love and reverance for our Lord Jesus Christ who was truly God and man, and who gave His life and came back from the dead to save us. He is the only way to God and no other way is available and is in fact false.


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