Thursday, December 22, 2005

If He can do it for him....He can do it for you!

This was completely motivated by something I just saw about 5 mins ago. Cnn has a show called Paula Zahn and on that show she had Brian Welsh. Many of you wont recognize the name right away but you will remember what band he was a part of. (I hope) He was part of the band named Korn. A metal, alternative band with lyrics depicting sex, drugs, rock and roll, death, cutting one's self, and rebellion. It caught on greatly with teenagers and they wont 2 grammys, even I myself bought 3 of there records and felt a sense of liberation from my anger, and issues at the time as well. I dont want to give too much away because it got me thinking of a type of sermon that I have wanted to write for a while named If He could do it for him....He can do it for you!

Salvation, that word can turn many people in the complete other direction. "Get saved" is a scary word to some people. But it is also a reality. God does save. He saves us from the filth that we involve our live into. He saves us from death, and raises us into a new lifestyle and a renewing of the mind. Know now that if you know Jesus but dont have a relationship know that the following writing is for you as these are examples of people with the same problems, same issues that you may have gone through. To know that if He can save these people with these live, He can do it for you! For those who know Jesus, let this be an encouragement to you, to know that there are people that you may admire in sports, politics, and entertainment that have had a rocky road but a Saviour to smooth it out, the same Saviour that smooths your road out too.

#1- This man grew up in a very intense family. Expectations were high and his family was surrounded by politics he was immersed in the public life. Raised in a small town religion was an intergral part as the whole town attended. Growing up, he was forced to go and didnt really grasp or hold onto the beliefs that were taught in church. With this he grew into a party animal and drank heavily. He was the life of the party, and everyone enjoyed his prescence. He loved the attention that he was getting from friends, and the ladies. He had money, good looks, and vibrant personality to go with it; he was on top of the world. He went on to make some major investments that ended poorly. He lost thousands of dollars, but continued to hold his own. He tried to do things his way, taking the route of politics after several failed business attempts. Through this he met a beautiful, faithful Christ centered woman. They hit it off as he could not be the wild man he was around the beauty of this woman. They married and continued together on his political reign. They attended church (motivated by her) and went to Sunday School. He would poke fun of others, singers and the choir when he could. He would make noises, and purposefully set his alarm clock to go off when he felt the preacher was going too long. During sunday school he would pose questions where he could throw in a joke or two, even standing up and giving a comedy routine. As his political career increase and became on the rise, his personal life was rough. Continously drinking made him unstable, and couldnt fill the void that was being left inside him. He sought the counsel of some high powered political men that he knew were Christians. He talked and debated, questioned them for answers to things that he didnt understand about God. A year passed by and the answers stuck in his head. On April 3rd, 1984, at the age of 38 came to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour in his life. He furthered this a year later when he carried a conversation with Billy Graham to motivate him to not only believe but put that faith in work and action. He later left his families Espicopalian church for his wife's Methodist and more conservative church. His faith was evident as during the 2000 primary everyone was asked who was there favorite philosopher and he stated "Christ, because he changed my heart."

This man is George W. Bush President of the United States.

#2- This man was talented, despite that he came from a family of 17 children he wasnt overlooked. He was fast, and an excellent athelete. He breezed through the sports deparment at the University of Miami and was drafted 11th in the first round of the 1988 NFL draft. He was cocky, and didnt fit well into the new team he was a part of. He would park in No Parking spots during training camp, and would frequently visit the bars and strip clubs. (despite being married) He developed a habit for cocaine and in 1996 was arrested for cocaine possession on his 30th b-day. He was obligated to pay 10,000 dollars and do community services. His life was also empty and need something more. His wife was a pillar and she remained with him through the hard and good times. She knew that God has a plan for his life and that he needed to just recognize where he was going. He remembers sitting outside looking up and thinking about what his life meant. He decided that in 2002, he put his partying, and bad lifestyle to rest and professed to be born again. His life with his wife improved and began a career in broadcasting. In 2005, evil found him again as he was pulled over and charge with Class C misdemeanor as having possession of a bag with marijuana residue and a pipe. He stated that he kept it from a friend who is dealing with a drug problem. He claimed his innocence and states that Jesus is his drug of choice. That he is willing to put being put into the Hall of Fame because of this if that means his friend gets better. To him he stands firm in that he hasnt resorted to past sins,and that he continues to fight the media and society's opinion on this matter. Whatever has gone on the Lord God that He professes knows, and is not hidden to His sight.

This man is Hall of Fame reciever Michael Irvin

#3-Born in 1970 in to a Christian home, this kid had talent and began to show it through his guitar. WIth loving parents they encouraged him to play and he forms at the age of 18 a band. This band expands and grows faster than any of them anticipated. More money more problems, along with their fame drugs and sex became a common theme with them. There lyrics centered on death, sex, drugs, the waste of life and suicide. At 26 the only way for him to feel good was to get high or get drunk. He dreamed of being a rock star and now it was coming true. The band won 2 Grammys and hit huge success and millions of dollars. As quoted from him the more the band was successful the less happy he became. He described how he hated church people, that they were just wierd, but obviously there was some god in those buildings because they acted so strange. In 1998, he became the father to a baby girl. In 2000 he divorced from his wife due ro differences. The emptiness inside of him grew till he almost exploded. A friend asked him to come to church, and this began the course of change in his life. What change him most was when he heard his little girl recite some lyrics of a song from his band and he knew that he needed to change his life. He decided to stay in a motel for 4 days and detox himself from the drugs that he was so used to taking. He met with the pastor of Valley Bible Church and they discussed how to come into this relationship with this Jesus. So in Jan. of 2005 he became saved. His former life nothing but memories or nightmares as he put it. Later that same month he quit the million dollar band citing that he just couldnt do it anymore, GOd didnt want him there.
With this new life he hasnt touched drugs nor alcohol. He lives for Jesus and Jesus alone and his daughter has felt the effect quoting "that my daddy is different because all he does is for Jesus" He went along with the church to a pilgramage to the Jordan River and was baptized. Now his heart and life are full of the love and strength of Jesus Christ. Now he uses his music skill to write music for God. He also uses all money that he recieves from music to go toward his ministry of giving children the message of Christ in India.

This person is Brian Welsh former guitar player of the band Korn.

If Jesus can save these people then he can save you. You may think that you have to look a certain way, and do alot of things to get to this "salvation" by Him. In fact all He asks is that you confess on your confess is to "to admit and acknowledge" Confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved ( Romans 10:9) Acknowledge that Jesus was who he said he was.....believe truly believe that God raised Him from the dead and you WILL be saved. And the nothing in this world can take that from you! Not that all those things that plagued you simply BAM go away. But you have a renewing of the mind, a joy to know that you dont need a huge bank account, fine clothes, fancy cars, the latest technology or the biggest house to come into a relationship with Christ. So if he can save these guys and millions more......
He can and will save you..but He is what will you do?


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