Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Exclusivity of Christ : OneTruth in short!

This topic stems from a conversation that I had earlier today. It reminds me of the ongoing debate and study that I have done for 2 years on the exclusivity of Christ. Meaning that our entrance into heaven, our bridge to God must flow through Jesus Christ and CHrist alone. This is where I grab the concept of One Truth. Philosophy teachers and students will have a field day with this because they dont like the claim of OneTruth. ( They would ask what is truth?)

Before we start these things must be understood:

1-The Bible is Gods Word breathed to His disciples
2 Timothy 3:16-"All Scripture is God-breathed."

2-Prophecy nor Scripture was the interpretation of man but of God:
2 Peter 1:20-21 "Above all you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by prophets own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit."

Lets begin:
There is OneTruth and Christ is exclusive to the fact that salvation and going to heaven is through Him alone! Any other way is false and does not lead into heaven.

All 3 Gospels agree that during Jesus' baptism a loud voice makes an exlcusive statement saying "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."

The Father was acknowledging Jesus as His Son whom he was pleased with. This is an exclusive statement. Can any of the other religious leaders claim this type of relationship with God?? Were any of them claimed as sons? No they were not, God speaks in delight over His unique and one of a kind Son.

Jesus makes His exclusivity apparent:

John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one goes to the Father but through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."

Jesus made himself exclusive. People ask what is truth.....Jesus is, which is the right way...Jesus is the right way, and where can I have true life....through Jesus.
How do we go to the Father in heaven? How do we go to God? Are there other ways to God? What about the other religions: the claims of God?

Jesus answers all of these questions

More exclusive statements:
John 15:1--"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener" ( Jesus is the perfect fullfillment)

John 3:35--" The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands. 36Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him"

~Any religion or cult or sect that rejects the notion that Jesus is God, that Jesus is the only way to salvation is "rejecting the Son" and they "will not see life". Those who accept the Son will have eternal life. This is exclusive, Jesus is Life and to believe is to have this life and not to bleive is to not see life.

John 10:1, 7--" I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber." " (Vs. 7)Jesus said again, "I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. 8All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. 9I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.

~This gate is the door to salvation. Jesus talks of the gate and how to climb in another way is false by the representation of theives and robbers. THe Jesus becomes exclusive again by saying that He is that gate, He is that door and everyone else that came before me claiming that they were are wrong. Whoever enters through Him will be saved which helps touch on John 3:35 that those who reject the Son ( groups like Islam-who claim Jesus to be a mere man but did great things--they deny His divinity, Jews who claim he was a false teacher, and a fraud, and any other group that hold Jesus to not being this gate, this life, this truth and this way) they will not see life: meaning they will not be in heaven.

Hebrews 5:9 "
"he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him"

Jesus is made to claim that He is the source of eternal salvation. What does source mean: " The point at which something springs into being or from which it derives or is obtained" Jesus is the point at which salvation sprung to life, Jesus is where salvation is derived and obtained from. This give Jesus exclusive rights to salvation because He is God.

Galatians 1:8-9 " pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned"

~Paul talks of these Galatians who are being taught a perverted gospel than the one he originally taught them. We dont know the exact teachings that were being taught, but we know that it was not correct and Paul extends rebuke to them. This statement is signifigant because he states that even if we or an angel preached a gospel other than what the one preached to them may they be cursed, condemned an anathema. Anyone, any "angel" or any type of group that claims to have revelation that teaches otherwise than what God has spoken and done, anything the pulls from the Gospel already preached will be eternally condemned. Is that exclusive enough?

There are several more verses that could be placed here. Plenty of Pslams and Proverbs describing the Lord Jesus and His exclusivity to God. People and our society like to use relativisim to help keep the world tolerant of each others religions. What is relativisim----relativism affirms that all truth is relative. This would mean that no system of truth is more valid than another one and that there is no objective standard of truth. It would, naturally, deny that there is a God of absolute truth.

This belief will not work in our society nor does it line up in any which way with the Bible. The Bible is exclusive and declares God to be an absolute God. Jesus had the power of God, the power of judgement from God, and was God in the flesh. Jesus was the manifestation of God, and if you ever wanted to see what God looked like you would look to Jesus because He was God. Jesus made Him self exclusive with his statements named above, also with other scriptures we recognized what He did was exclusive for a peasant from Galilee. That He was the only road to travel to have true life.

Relativism: Important facts to know: if all the things are relative, then there cannot be anything that is absolutely true between individuals. In other words, if all people deny absolute truth and establish relative truth only from their experiences, then everything is relative to the individual. How then can there be a common ground from which to judge right and wrong or truth? It would seem that there cannot be.

If all moral views are equally valid, then do we have the right to punish anyone? Can we ever say that something is wrong? In order to say that something is wrong we must first have a standard by which we weigh right and wrong in order to make a judgment. If that standard of right and wrong is based on relativism, then it is not a standard at all.

1- Jesus is the only way to heaven, that all who believe in Him have enternal life. Romans 10:9 "confess on your lips and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord you will be saved." Its that simple. If there would have been others ways to God would Jesus have been so exclusive? If there was another manifestation of God would God's words have been so pointed, so direct, so singular in regards to Jesus? No why because Jesus is the only way to heaven and "all who reject the Son will not see life." John 3:36)

2-relativisim just doesnt work. To base truth off experience is simply false. There must be a absolute truth that provides the foundation for which we determine things such as right and wrong. God is absolute through the OT and the NT. And to have the notion that this is one truth amoung many would be to deny the beliefs of this Holy Bible. God would not have made Himself clear and how to be saved, how to live a life, and how to be closer to Him if there were going to be mulitiple ways to get to Him. There is no order in that, no exclusivity. Jesus is set apart from every other god, or intercessor from every other religion. Set apart by who He was, what He did, and what He will do. God manifested Himself through Jesus, validated Himself through miracles and fulfilled prophecies (over 470) foretold thousands of years before, and died just like you and I will and was rasied from the dead. Tell me if Buddha is still here? Mohammad? Maybe Vishna?

As Paul declares there is no other Gospel from which we are saved, and to pervert the Gospel or preach one other than the one given from God those persons will be an anathema Greek for cursed or condemned. Jesus is the only think other wise would simply be false. OneTruth!!
God Bless you in Jesus


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