Friday, January 13, 2006

The Lord disciplines

Discipline-as a child we never wanted to hear that word and as a parent it reminds of when we were kids. The definition of discipline is training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior. Or a better definition is to teach to obey rules or accept authority. I prefer the latter in this matter. Just as parents discipline children when they fall off the narrow path of rules set by them, the Lord disciplines His children when they fall off the narrow path of life.

Rules, obedience, discipline all things that children, teenagers hate to hear. Automatically they shut their brains off (if they havent all ready). So lets look at it this way: I once was taught to look at the Bible as an instruction manuel for Kool-Aid, do it the right and you get sweet tasting Kool-Aid. But try to do it on your own without ever making it before and it can be a watery tasting disaster.
The same with life, when we focus on God and read His instructions in the Bible we can have a sweet tasting life. WHen we stray from the Word and try to handle life with our own knowledge and instruction, life can feel watery and troublesome.

What God does sometimes is discipline us when we decided to do our own thing or disobey his instruction. So lets look at 3 passages of scripture:

Proverbs 3:11-12
" My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline and do not resent his rebuke,
because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.

This passage goes right to the heart and explains our attitude that we had as children and that youth have today. Do not despise the LORD's discipline. What does this mean?

First to despise means to dislike intensly. We hate to be disciplined, and some will equate it to punishment. God is telling us not to dislike his discipline and to not resent his rebuke.
GOd disciplines us and rebukes us not to punish us and break us down, but rather to keep us on the path that He has us called to. He doesnt want us to fall into the crooked paths of the wicked and knows that if He keeps us on the right path we will be much better off. This isnt saying that we dont resent and dislike it.
God says that we shouldnt hate it and resent it because the discipline is from love not hate. God loves us as children so much that He disciplines us because He doesnt want us to fall into the trap the world sets for us. He loves us as a father loves a son and in fact delights in us.

The second piece of scripture is: Proverbs 6:23
" For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life."

This verse is referring to the previous commandments that were written. Discipline here is mixed with God using teaching as a light and correction being the way to life. This is signifigant because God teaches us, and corrects us to produce a specific character: holiness. In 1 Peter 1:16 states "Be holy for I am holy." Gods intent for us is righteous or holiness. He uses discipline to make us more like Christ. He wants a certain pattern of behavoir and to obtain that He must discipline us when we stray. He builds our character to be like Christ.

And lastly: 1 Corinthians 11:32
" When we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned with the world."

This is a beautiful verse displaying the love of God's discipline. We are being disciplined so that we wont be destroyed or condenmed with the world when the coming judgement comes to the earth. God is steering us in to the right direction because HE KNOWS that when we stray from the path of righteousness we are on shaky path of shallow water that wont fill us.

The Point:
God loves his children, he loves everyone. Why do you think He provided a way for you to be with Him forever? He disciplines His children when they get out of line, how that is done, how does it manifest, no one truley knows but we do know that it is out of His love for us. May God Bless you!


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