Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech-4-16-07 You are being prayed for!

Now some of you who read this may take this the wrong way: so please don't make judgments but just try to understand what is being said.

Today one of the most horrible incidents in all American history occurred today: 33 VT students lost their lives and 23 still fight for there’s. When I first heard it, I felt like I did when Sept. 11th happened….I rushed to the TV to try to get as much information as I could. Then I thought about the people I met on the LTC/and AXIS retreats where I met hundreds of VT students. Then I thought about the families involved. Surrounded by words like massacre, slaughter house, and complete murder, I thought about Christ. It may sound strange to some of you, but I could only think of “God how do you see this?” I remembered so many scripture passages of where people were depressed, sad or outright doubtful because of a given situation. I thought of the girl who died, and the entire village was outside crying, because they thought she would pull through. Jesus approached and asked them “ why are you crying?” Dang Jesus are you trying to be an insensitive jerk? Just jab alittle harder why don’t ya? But that’s not what he was doing. What he was saying is why do you grieve, she is asleep. Now the Bible does like to use the word sleep to represent death, but here the point of the scripture and so many like it was you need to see things through my eyes and not your own. In the given situation Jesus wondered why so many were sad, he didn’t see death as the end, they did. Now so many other verses make sense to me: Follow my example…..take up your cross daily….bad things WILL happen. The VT incident was a horrible thing, Sept. 11th was a horrible thing, Katrina was a horrible thing, Darfur was and is a horrible thing……these things I will never understand nor comprehend.....but God doesn’t ask us to understand these things, He asks us to have faith. Faith in the Creator of this world, faith in the one God who understands beyond our understanding, a God who has helped me, and you get through things you thought impossible. So what can we do? Pray, for the families that they somehow are able to see this situation through His eyes. And if they really don’t know Him or don’t care to, pray they may see Him. Easier said then done, yes I know…….but that doesn’t make it any less true.

Cleaned, stylish, and all polished!!

Isnt it funny, when we get up in the morning. Some of us definitely don't look our best. Bad breathe, hair in the air, bad body odor, pillow creases on the face: we just don't look good. So we take a shower, get cleaned, fix out hair ( sometimes this takes hours), put makeup on, put our busniess suit, tighten the tie, looking good!! We spray our finest cologne or perfume as so others may smell the sweet aroma of clean! We are primped, dolled up, and ready to show the world what were made of. No one gets to see us as we were this morning( exception of your significant other). No one at work has to see me all jacked up in the morning, nor do my friends, relatives or anyone else.
But God does. See though we get all cleaned up, makeup layered, and our finest suit God still sees the unkept you. Our outer appearance may fool the world but it can't clean up in the inward appearance: thats what God sees! So though you may feel like you have got it all together, remember He sees you as you really are, and there is no amount of fooling, or dolling up that you can do to cover it up. He loves you, and wants to be a part of your life.

God Bless..