Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cleaned, stylish, and all polished!!

Isnt it funny, when we get up in the morning. Some of us definitely don't look our best. Bad breathe, hair in the air, bad body odor, pillow creases on the face: we just don't look good. So we take a shower, get cleaned, fix out hair ( sometimes this takes hours), put makeup on, put our busniess suit, tighten the tie, looking good!! We spray our finest cologne or perfume as so others may smell the sweet aroma of clean! We are primped, dolled up, and ready to show the world what were made of. No one gets to see us as we were this morning( exception of your significant other). No one at work has to see me all jacked up in the morning, nor do my friends, relatives or anyone else.
But God does. See though we get all cleaned up, makeup layered, and our finest suit God still sees the unkept you. Our outer appearance may fool the world but it can't clean up in the inward appearance: thats what God sees! So though you may feel like you have got it all together, remember He sees you as you really are, and there is no amount of fooling, or dolling up that you can do to cover it up. He loves you, and wants to be a part of your life.

God Bless..


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